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Radiant Light secures first round of VC funding

The first ICFO spin-off ready to start business activities after raising venture capital funds

April 21, 2006
Radiant Light, a specialist company in Optical Frequency Conversion Systems, is ready to start business activity after securing important start-up funds from venture capital agencies, from private investors and from the Program Capital Concepte of the regional government of Catalonia.

Radiant Light is a spin-off company of ICFO and of ICREA (Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats). The company was established in Barcelona in July 2005, and it aims at entering the photonics market through the innovation and commercialization of cutting-edge nonlinear frequency conversion systems, including optical parametric oscillators, frequency doublers, trippers and mixers. The systems offered by Radiant Light are capable of addressing the difficult spectral regions from the UV to the mid-IR and cover all temporal domains from the continuous-wave to ultrafast femtosecond time-scales.

The technical team of Radiant Light is led by Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh, ICREA Professor at ICFO, who is an international reference in optical frequency conversion devices. For further information on the company services and products, see the link below.